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Change log entry 51003
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-10-15 13:35:02 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 49535 >>
What would be the point of the romaji diacritics in a Chinese-English dictionary? Actually, not even EDICT has them. Not to mention that the majority of Tokyo related entries in CC-CEDICT lack them.
- 東京 东京 [Dong1 jing1] /Tōkyō, capital of Japan/
+ 東京 东京 [Dong1 jing1] /Tokyo, capital of Japan/
- 東京大學 东京大学 [Dong1 jing1 Da4 xue2] /Tōkyō University, Japan/
+ 東京大學 东京大学 [Dong1 jing1 Da4 xue2] /Tokyo University, Japan/
- 靜岡縣 静冈县 [Jing4 gang1 xian4] /Shizuoka prefecture southwest of Tōkyō, Japan/
+ 靜岡縣 静冈县 [Jing4 gang1 xian4] /Shizuoka prefecture southwest of Tokyo, Japan/
- 靖國神社 靖国神社 [Jing4 guo2 Shen2 she4] /Yasukuni Shrine, Shintō shrine in Tōkyō to Japanese war dead, controversial as burial ground of several Class A war criminals/
+ 靖國神社 靖国神社 [Jing4 guo2 Shen2 she4] /Yasukuni Shrine, Shinto shrine in Tokyo to Japanese war dead, controversial as burial ground of several Class A war criminals/
- 箱根 箱根 [Xiang1 gen1] /Hakone, city on the east coast of Japan southwest of Tōkyō/
+ 箱根 箱根 [Xiang1 gen1] /Hakone, city on the east coast of Japan southwest of Tokyo/
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