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Change log entry 50996
Processed by: richwarm (2013-10-15 10:51:15 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 49528 - submitted by 'bubbha' >>
Most dictionaries seem to define this word as "without exception", but whenever I encounter it in the wild, it almost invariably means "for example" or "such as".

Can you guess the riddle? Point to anything on the farm-green onions, radishes, chicken, or ducks-and these two old ladies will throw you a riddle about it.

Among the goals in the first category are reducing the amount of fat in meat, raising the quality and production of dairy products, and increasing the growth rate of livestock.

Some biologists unconsciously think of humans as a big collection of genes, and feel that genes control everything in our lives, including criminal behavior and sexual orientation.
# 舉凡 举凡 [ju3 fan2] /for example/such as/without exception/
+ 舉凡 举凡 [ju3 fan2] /including/for example/such as/everything ranging from ... to .../
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