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Change log entry 50979
Processed by: richwarm (2013-10-13 10:47:49 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 49271 - submitted by 'bubbha' >>
Editor: A couple of examples ~
1) 奥迪A5,演绎生活美学。
2) 《新视线》致力于成为中国新生代都市精英与创意新贵的生活美学指南,从时装到建筑,从居家到旅行,从生活到设计,从艺术到人文,
# 生活美學 生活美学 [sheng1 huo2 mei3 xue2] /life aesthetics, lifestyle aesthetics; quality of life, standard of living; living well, the art of living well; life-enhancing, life-affirming, life-beautifying; living art, life art/
= 生活美學 生活美学 [sheng1 huo2 mei3 xue2] /appreciation of the finer things in life/
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