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Change log entry 50901
Processed by: richwarm (2013-10-08 06:52:54 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 49434 >>
Directly translates to "far and near" but the correct English translation would be 'far and wide'

Editor: "the correct English translation"?

"far and wide" is an unsuitable translation in many contexts:

1) 但是它能改善人们观看远近事物的能力。
However, they improve the ability of people to see close up and far away.
# 来源 -- 交互式慢速英语-夏季号 - Adaptive Eyecare

2) 耐用的60/55瓦远近光卤素前大灯。
Enduro-style, 60/55-watt halogen headlight features high/low beams.

3) 无论远近,无论你在何方
near, far, wherever you are

4) 弹载扫描系统探测波束的存在并且确定其离波束边界的远近。
Scanning systems onboard the missile detect the presence of the beam and determine how close the missile is to the edges of it.

5) 遠近兼顧 with due attention to both short- and long-range targets

... whereas either "far and near" or "distance" work fine in most of these contexts; and "far and near" conveys the meaning reasonably well even in the cases where "far and wide" works.

We can, however, add at least one of the various expressions (such as 遠近馳名, 遠近皆知 etc.) which mean "widely known" as an example of the "far and wide" sense.
# 遠近 远近 [yuan3jin4] /Far and wide/
# Editor:
= 遠近 远近 [yuan3 jin4] /far and near/distance/
+ 遠近皆知 远近皆知 [yuan3 jin4 jie1 zhi1] /known far and wide (idiom)/
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