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Change log entry 50803
Processed by: richwarm (2013-10-03 10:40:06 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 49336 >>
but why not give the proper variant with a ref as we currently have with 傻B etc? or at least the correct pinyin (bi1)?
Editor: I'm happy to explain our position and you can explain yours further and respond. Maybe we do need to change something. But anyway, the Editor website isn't the appropriate channel for this sort of back-and-forth discussion on the format of entries. You'll need to email me (or another editor) – click on the envelope icon next to my username. Any more anonymous submissions on the same issue will be treated as trolling and deleted.
# - 齊B小短裙 齐B小短裙 [qi2 B xiao3 duan3 qun2] /(slang) micro-miniskirt/
# - 齊B短裙 齐B短裙 [qi2 B duan3 qun2] /(slang) micro-miniskirt/
# + 齊屄小短裙 齐屄小短裙 [qi2 bi1 xiao3 duan3 qun2] /(slang) micro-miniskirt/
# + 齊屄短裙 齐屄短裙 [qi2 bi1 duan3 qun2] /(slang) micro-miniskirt/
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