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Change log entry 50730
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-09-30 08:35:39 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 49147 - submitted by 'shenyixuan' >>
诸=之于,如 “见诸行动”、“诉诸武力”、“诉诸法律”,“公诸同好”

公诸于世,公诸于众 都是有重复问题的,具体参考下面论述:


公诸于世 ~ 7,500,000 verb. hits --- in M、高级汉语词典、辞海 and 中华成语大词典 + appears 16 times in TP
公之于世 ~ 2,000,000 verb. hits --- only in GF
# - 公諸於世 公诸于世 [gong1 zhu1 yu2 shi4] /to announce to the world (idiom); to publicize/known to all/to let everyone know one's position/
# + 公之於世 公之于世 [gong1 zhu1 yu2 shi4] /to announce to the world (idiom); to publicize/known to all/to let everyone know one's position/
# editor:
- 公諸於世 公诸于世 [gong1 zhu1 yu2 shi4] /to announce to the world (idiom); to publicize/known to all/to let everyone know one's position/
+ 公諸於世 公诸于世 [gong1 zhu1 yu2 shi4] /to announce to the world (idiom)/to make public/to let everyone know/
+ 公之于世 公之于世 [gong1 zhi1 yu2 shi4] /to announce to the world (idiom)/to make public/to let everyone know/
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