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Change log entry 50703
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-09-29 06:54:02 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 49254 - submitted by 'shenyixuan' >>
- 孫思邈 孙思邈 [Sun1 Si1 miao3] /Sūn Sīmiǎo (c. 581-682), doctor and herbalist of the Sui and Tang dynasty, author of Prescriptions Worth a Thousand in Gold 千金要方[Qian1 jin1 yao4 fang1]/
# + 孫思邈 孙思邈 [Sun1 Si1 miao3] /Sun Simiao (c. 581-682), doctor and herbalist of the Sui and Tang dynasty, author of Prescriptions Worth a Thousand in Gold 千金要方[Qian1 jin1 yao4 fang1]/
+ 孫思邈 孙思邈 [Sun1 Si1 miao3] /Sun Simiao (c. 581-682), doctor and herbalist of the Sui and Tang dynasty, author of Prescriptions Worth a Thousand in Gold 千金要方[Qian1 jin1 Yao4 fang1]/
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