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Change log entry 50646
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-09-26 16:35:44 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 49178 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
I don't know that "sump" is very helpful, but I guess it's possible.

I added "water hole" to indicate that it can be larger than a puddle:
- 让我们吃惊的是河马设法走到了水坑1.1公里外的地方,不过,他还是已经奄奄一息了。
- 卡拉伊竖起背上的毛,大概是碰伤或是被咬伤,费很大力气才从水坑中爬出来。
- 第2天早上我们满以为会看到狮子的盛大的早餐会,但水坑里什么也没有。
The next morning we had well expected to see the lions enjoying their hippo breakfast ; however the waterhole was empty.
- 滑坡填塞了动物通常来饮水的这个水坑。
- 河马无法淹没在仅存的几个水坑里。
Hippos are unable to submerge in the few remaining water holes.
- 我能在水坑里游泳。"I can swim in this puddle." :-) :-)
- 水坑 水坑 [shui3 keng1] /puddle/sump/
+ 水坑 水坑 [shui3 keng1] /puddle/water hole/sump/
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