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Change log entry 50608
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-09-25 09:54:42 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 49134 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
I think this was a misunderstanding of a definition written in Chinese.
I don't think 對齊 is about "lining up in the correct order".

See J N Z
GT ~ alignment align aligned justified aligning
NC ~ justify; align; bring into alignment

Editor: qi2
- 對齊 对齐 [dui4 qi2] /to line up in correct order/to align/
+ 對齊 对齐 [dui4 qi2] /to align/(typography) to justify/
+ 右對齊 右对齐 [you4 dui4 qi2] /to right justify (typography)/
+ 左對齊 左对齐 [zuo3 dui4 qi2] /to left justify (typography)/
# 置中對齊 置中对齐 [zhi4 zhong1 dui4 qi1] /centered alignment (typography)/
# 居中對齊 居中对齐 [ju1 zhong1 dui4 qi1] /centered alignment (typography)/
+ 置中對齊 置中对齐 [zhi4 zhong1 dui4 qi2] /centered alignment (typography)/
+ 居中對齊 居中对齐 [ju1 zhong1 dui4 qi2] /centered alignment (typography)/
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