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Change log entry 50597
Processed by: richwarm (2013-09-25 03:07:35 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 49133 >>

Editor: Ref N, NC, M, Z.
M @ 匈奴 ~ 我國秦漢時北方的游牧民族。夏朝時稱為「獯鬻」。周朝時稱為「獫狁」、「玁狁」。
Z @ 玁: 同“猃”。
M @ 玁: 見「玁狁」條。

In French, too, the word for "dog" is xiǎn (chien / chienne) :-)
- 玁 玁 [xian3] /long-snout dog/
# + 玁 U+247a4 [xian3] /long-snout dog/see 猃[xian3]/
# Editor: The simplified form (犭+严) – i.e. U+247a4 – is one of those characters that cannot be handled by the CC-CEDICT Editor website.
# Adding ~
+ 玁 玁 [xian3] /variant of 獫|猃[xian3]/
- 獫 猃 [xian3] /long-snout dog/
+ 獫 猃 [xian3] /a kind of dog with a long snout/see 獫狁|猃狁[Xian3 yun3]/
+ 獫狁 猃狁 [Xian3 yun3] /Zhou Dynasty term for a northern nomadic tribe later called the Xiongnu 匈奴[Xiong1 nu2] in the Qin and Han Dynasties/
By MDBG 2024
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