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Change log entry 50594
Processed by: richwarm (2013-09-24 11:02:47 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 49116 - submitted by 'shenyixuan' >>
1 形容山的高大耸立。《文选·班固<西京赋>》:“於是灵草冬荣,神木丛生,巖峻崷崪,金石峥嶸。” 李善 注引 郭璞 《方言注》:“峥嶸,高峻也。”
2 卓越,不平凡。如峥嵘岁月
Editor: Incorrect trad:
峥 --> 崢
# 峥嶸 峥嵘 [zheng1 rong2] /lofty and steep (mountain)/extraordinary/ outstanding/
+ 崢嶸 峥嵘 [zheng1 rong2] /towering/lofty and steep (mountains)/extraordinary/outstanding/
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