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Change log entry 50268
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-09-10 13:51:38 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 48735 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
N ~ 攀升 [pānshēng]
1. 动 抓住东西向上升。
2. 动 (价格等)不断上升

M ~ 攀爬升高。如:「經濟部物價督導會報指出,由於土地價格攀升及民眾購屋保值意願增強,使得房地產行情明顯上揚。」

TP ~ 內政部的統計顯示,我國家中有未滿18歲子女的單親家庭總數(含未婚、離婚和喪偶,分居不在此調查中),自1990年至2010年,已從25萬戶攀升至超過32萬戶
Statistics from the Ministry of the Interior show that between 1990 and 2010, the number of single-parent households (unmarried, divorced, or widowed-separations were not counted) with at least one child under 18 rose from 250,000 to 320,000.

M uses 攀升 and 攀升 outnumbers 攀昇 in TP by a ratio of approx 100:1
- 攀昇 攀升 [pan1 sheng1] /rising/
+ 攀升 攀升 [pan1 sheng1] /to clamber up/(of prices etc) to rise/
By MDBG 2024
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