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Change log entry 50252
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-09-09 07:01:14 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 48736 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
N ~ 爬升 [páshēng]
1. 动 (飞行器)高度不断增加地飞行。
2. 动 比喻在官场上不断升职(含贬义)

爬升 [páshēng]
1. verb (of an airplane, rocket, etc.) to climb; to ascend; to gain height
2. verb (of sales volume, etc.) to rise; to improve


爬升 páshēng v. ①ascend; climb; gain altitude ②be promoted; obtain a promotion
- 爬升 爬升 [pa2 sheng1] /to climb (of a plane)/to gain height/
+ 爬升 爬升 [pa2 sheng1] /to rise/to ascend/to climb (airplane etc)/to go up (sales figures etc)/to gain promotion/
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