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Change log entry 50008
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-08-28 09:51:20 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 48443 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>

## segment 6 / 8
<< resubmitted review queue entry 48420 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
These 144 entries were obtained by matching the simplified/traditional pairs with Unihan simplification data, and then visually checking for each pair that the corrections looked sound. The entries in this list where those which didn't appear on the official list (probably because mostly are radical simplifications). I've tried to only include here 'obvious' mistakes (replacing a non-simplified radical with the simplified equivalent, for example). I probably have missed a few things given the time it took me to extract these, so it might require a little proofreading.


GF: ①名 腌制加工的鱼类食品。
②名 一种菜肴,把茄子等切碎,与米粉、面粉及其他作料拌和加工而成。
茄子鲊 | 扁豆鲊

# -魟 魟 [hong2] /ray (fish)/Taiwan pr. [hong1]/
# +魟 U+2b689 [hong2] /ray (fish)/Taiwan pr. [hong1]/
# -魟魚 魟鱼 [hong2 yu2] /skate (cartilaginous fish belonging to the family Rajidae)/stingray/
# +魟魚 U+2b689鱼 [hong2 yu2] /skate (cartilaginous fish belonging to the family Rajidae)/stingray/
- 魨 魨 [tun2] /leatherfish/
# + 魨 鲀 [tun2] /leatherfish/
+ 魨 鲀 [tun2] /pufferfish (family Tetraodontidae)/
- 鮓 鮓 [zha3] /preserved fish/
# + 鮓 鲊 [zha3] /preserved fish/
+ 鮓 鲊 [zha3] /salted fish/dish made with ground vegetables, flour and other condiments/
# editor adding:
+ 鮺 鲝 [zha3] /variant of 鮓|鲊[zha3]/variant of 苲[zha3]/
+ 苲 苲 [zha3] /see 苲草[zha3 cao3]/
+ 苲草 苲草 [zha3 cao3] /hornwort/
+ 金魚藻 金鱼藻 [jin1 yu2 zao3] /hornwort (Ceratophyllum demersum)/
# -鮟 鮟 [an1] /see 鮟鱇[an1 kang1]/
# +鮟 U+29f7e [an1] /see 鮟鱇[an1 kang1]/
# -鮟鱇 鮟鱇 [an1 kang1] /anglerfish/
# +鮟鱇 U+29f7e鱇 [an1 kang1] /anglerfish/
# -鮟鱇 鮟鱇 [an1 kang1] /anglerfish/
# +鮟鱇 鮟U+29f8c [an1 kang1] /anglerfish/
- 鮦 鮦 [tong2] /snakefish/
+ 鮦 鲖 [tong2] /snakefish/
- 鮶 鮶 [jun1] /Sebastodes guntheri/
+ 鮶 鲪 [jun1] /Sebastodes guntheri/
# -鮸 鮸 [mian3] /Sciaena albiflora/otolithoidesmiiuy/
# +鮸 U+29f83 [mian3] /Sciaena albiflora/otolithoidesmiiuy/
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