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Change log entry 49984
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-08-26 12:44:19 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 48417 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
确 seems to be the simplified form of 確, qnd we already have
確 确 [que4] /authenticated/solid/firm/real/true/

Editor: both M & Dr.eye have it, so I'd rather leave it.
# - 确 确 [que4] /authenticated/solid/firm/
# editor adding:
- 确 确 [que4] /authenticated/solid/firm/
+ 确 确 [que4] /variant of 確|确[que4]/variant of 埆[que4]/
- 埆 埆 [que4] /stony/
+ 埆 埆 [que4] /(of land) barren/stony/
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