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Change log entry 49983
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-08-26 12:36:24 GMT)
Comment: << resubmitted review queue entry 48424 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
## segment 3 / 8
<< resubmitted review queue entry 48420 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
These 144 entries were obtained by matching the simplified/traditional pairs with Unihan simplification data, and then visually checking for each pair that the corrections looked sound. The entries in this list where those which didn't appear on the official list (probably because mostly are radical simplifications). I've tried to only include here 'obvious' mistakes (replacing a non-simplified radical with the simplified equivalent, for example). I probably have missed a few things given the time it took me to extract these, so it might require a little proofreading.
# -買餸 买餸 [mai3 song4] /to buy groceries (Cantonese)/
# +買餸 买U+2980c [mai3 song4] /to buy groceries (Cantonese)/
- 賵 賵 [feng4] /gift to the dead/
# + 賵 赗 [feng4] /gift to the dead/
+ 賵 赗 [feng4] /(literary) gift (of money etc) to a bereaved family/to contribute to funeral expenses/
# -蹻 蹻 [qiao1] /raise one's foot/
# +蹻 U+2b3cb [qiao1] /raise one's foot/
# -躝 躝 [lan2] /to pass/to step over/to creep/to twine round/
# +躝 U+2816c [lan2] /to pass/to step over/to creep/to twine round/
# -軏 軏 [yue4] /crossbar for yoking horses/
# +軏 U+2b404 [yue4] /crossbar for yoking horses/
# -軨 軨 [ling2] /lattice work on front and sides/
# +軨 U+2b409 [ling2] /lattice work on front and sides/
- 輈 輈 [zhou1] /beam/pole/shaft/
# + 輈 辀 [zhou1] /beam/pole/shaft/
+ 輈 辀 [zhou1] /(literary) shaft (of a cart)/cart/
# -輗 輗 [ni2] /clamps for crossbar of carriage/
# +輗 U+2b410 [ni2] /clamps for crossbar of carriage/
- 輬 輬 [liang2] /a hearse/a carriage/
# + 輬 辌 [liang2] /a hearse/a carriage/
# editor adding:
+ 轀輬 辒辌 [wen1 liang2] /(sleeping) carriage/hearse/
+ 輬 辌 [liang2] /see 轀輬|辒辌[wen1 liang2]/
# -輮 輮 [rou2] /wheel band/
# +輮 U+2b413 [rou2] /wheel band/
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