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Change log entry 49979
Processed by: richwarm (2013-08-26 08:44:45 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 47788 - submitted by 'monigeria' >>
same as “把尿” which we already have in the dictionary but this seems to get way more g-hits

verbatim g's: 216,000,000
verbatim 把尿: 24,300,000

abc defines 把尿 as "hold baby while it urinates" which I think sounds way better than "help pee"

what I'm not sure is if 端尿 as a verb includes whistling or not...
Editor: Those hit counts are similar to what I get if I don't enclose the search terms with quotes.
Not using quotes makes the results very unreliable.

With quotes, I get
"端尿" 2.8 million
"把尿" 11.7 million
That's probably why 把尿 is in ABC and not 端屎.

Also, you need to keep in mind that these counts include spurious hits like 端尿盆, and that makes the figures rather dodgy.

It's often an invalid etc.
- 网络上讨论孝, 提到给老人端屎端尿的事情。
- 河南小伙义务照顾俩残疾人端屎端尿不离不弃
- 给你3000块一月,给老人把屎把尿,你干不?
- 我为什么不给孩子把屎把尿
# 端尿 端尿 [duan1 niao4] /hold baby while it urinates/
# Editor:
+ 端尿 端尿 [duan1 niao4] /to support (a child, invalid etc) while he or she urinates/
+ 端屎 端屎 [duan1 shi3] /to support (a child, invalid etc) while he or she defecates/
- 把尿 把尿 [ba3 niao4] /to help pee/
+ 把尿 把尿 [ba3 niao4] /to support (a child, invalid etc) while he or she urinates/
+ 把屎 把屎 [ba3 shi3] /to support (a child, invalid etc) while he or she defecates/
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