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Change log entry 49953
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-08-24 23:35:15 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 48419 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
I've programmed a script that goes through the dictionary and matches the simplified/traditional pairs with the unihan simplification data. This batch of 20 entries were obtained by manually filtering the results. I've verified each modified simplified form in the official simplification table, and for incorrect traditional forms I checked the Taiwan MoE dictionary.
- 㑇 㑇 [zhou4] /beautiful/
- 㑳 㑳 [zhou4] /beautiful/
# + 㑳 㑇 [zhou4] /beautiful/
+ 㑳 㑇 [zhou4] /(old) beautiful/clever/
- 勩 勩 [yi4] /toil/
# + 勩 勚 [yi4] /toil/
+ 勩 勚 [yi4] /(literary) toilsome/laborious/(of an edge etc) worn out/blunt/
- 卷帘門 卷帘门 [juan3 lian2 men2] /roll-up door/
+ 卷簾門 卷帘门 [juan3 lian2 men2] /roll-up door/
- 啢 啢 [liang3] /ounce/
# + 啢 唡 [liang3] /ounce/
+ 啢 唡 [liang3] /ounce (British imperial system) (old)/
- 嗊 嗊 [hong3] /sing/
+ 嗊 唝 [hong3] /sing/
- 嫿 嫿 [hua4] /tranquil/
+ 嫿 婳 [hua4] /tranquil/
- 巰 巰 [qiu2] /hydrosulfuryl/
+ 巰 巯 [qiu2] /hydrosulfuryl/
- 帘幕 帘幕 [lian2 mu4] /hanging screen/curtain over shop door (for privacy and serving as advertisement)/
+ 簾幕 帘幕 [lian2 mu4] /hanging screen/curtain over shop door (for privacy and serving as advertisement)/
- 帳帘 帐帘 [zhang4 lian2] /drapery/
+ 帳簾 帐帘 [zhang4 lian2] /drapery/
- 悮 悮 [wu4] /to impede/to neglect/to delay/
# +悞 悮 [wu4] /to impede/to neglect/to delay/
+ 悞 悮 [wu4] /to impede/to delay/variant of 誤|误[wu4]/
- 掗 掗 [ya4] /attach/brandish/hold/
+ 掗 挜 [ya4] /attach/brandish/hold/
- 椤 椤 [luo3] /tree fern/
# +欏 椤 [luo3] /tree fern/
# editor: should be luo2... and we already have 欏 椤 [luo2] /see .../
- 海淀圖書城 海淀图书城 [Hai3 dian4 tu2 shu1 cheng2] /Haidian book city/
# +海澱圖書城 海淀图书城 [Hai3 dian4 tu2 shu1 cheng2] /Haidian book city/
+ 海澱圖書城 海淀图书城 [Hai3 dian4 Tu2 shu1 cheng2] /Haidian Book City, Beijing book store/
# -淀 淀 [dian4] /shallow water/
# +澱 淀 [dian4] /shallow water/
# editor: I'm not sure that this sense uses 澱 as the trad. form.
- 瑲 瑲 [qiang1] /tinkling of gems/
# + 瑲 玱 [qiang1] /tinkling of gems/
+ 瑲 玱 [qiang1] /(onom.) tinkling of gems/
- 窵 窵 [diao4] /deep/distant/profound/
# + 窵 窎 [diao4] /deep/distant/profound/
+ 窵 窎 [diao4] /(literary) distant/deep/profound/
- 苹果酒 苹果酒 [ping2 guo3 jiu3] /cider/
+ 蘋果酒 苹果酒 [ping2 guo3 jiu3] /cider/
- 豺狼當涂 豺狼当涂 [chai2 lang2 dang1 tu2] /ravenous wolves hold the road (idiom); wicked people in power/a vicious tyranny rules the land/
+ 豺狼當塗 豺狼当涂 [chai2 lang2 dang1 tu2] /ravenous wolves hold the road (idiom); wicked people in power/a vicious tyranny rules the land/
- 鲅魚圈 鲅鱼圈 [Ba4 yu2 quan1] /Bayuquan district of Yingkou City 營口市|营口市, Liaoning/
# + 鮁魚圈 鲅鱼圈 [Ba4 yu2 quan1] /Bayuquan district of Yingkou City 營口市|营口市, Liaoning/
+ 鮁魚圈 鲅鱼圈 [Ba4 yu2 quan1] /Bayuquan District of Yingkou City 營口市|营口市[Ying2 kou3 shi4], Liaoning/
- 黶 黶 [yan3] /black spots on body/
+ 黶 黡 [yan3] /black spots on body/
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