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Change log entry 49906
Processed by: vermillon (2013-08-23 07:51:52 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 38789 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
Definition from my textbook: 比喻为了好看而加以粉饰点缀。也说 ”装门面“。

Context: 这份工作的好处是稳定,还有,求职时可以在简历上 ~。

Z, MoE, N, ...

P.S.: for the 裝門面 entry MoE also says 比喻宣揚醜事,使人丟臉。此為反面用法。- though i can't really find any useful examples of this usage...
+ 裝點門面 装点门面 [zhuang1 dian3 men2 mian4] /lit. to decorate the front of one's store (idiom)/fig. to embellish (one's CV, etc)/to keep up appearances/to put up a front/
+ 裝門面 装门面 [zhuang1 men2 mian4] /see 裝點門面|装点门面[zhuang1 dian3 men2 mian4]/
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