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Change log entry 49842
Processed by: richwarm (2013-08-21 09:16:09 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 48294 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
Based on the explanation of 卖场 on http://baike.baidu.com/view/460908.htm . Doesn't seem to appear in other sources, but would probably good to have because it doesn't seem obvious from 家居+卖场. richwarm pointed to http://www.asiatour.com/mandarin-chinese/ju-4.htm as well, which reads: "Nowadays, many Chinese furniture shops, especially large ones, no longer use 家具, but a new word to identify themselves, 家居. I have not seen it in a single dictionary, neither print nor electronic.". The reason for adding "both furniture mall" and "furniture store" is that it seems to be used for both single-owner shops and malls with plenty of furniture outlets.
I've added 卖场 as a separate entry.
+ 家居賣場 家居卖场 [jia1 ju1 mai4 chang3] /furniture store/furniture mall/
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