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Change log entry 49773
Processed by: richwarm (2013-08-19 10:44:16 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 48273 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
Seen on dustbins in China, and seems to occur frequently in 环卫工人. Appears in ZDict.

Editor: Seems that 环卫 is often used in a narrower sense than the term "environmental sanitation".
(e.g. not including "efficient and safe animal, human, and industrial waste disposal" etc -- more like "keeping the streets clean and tidy")

... of sanitation workers are "urban beauticians."

The city centre is a well-ordered place, with streets continually swept by an army of workers in fluorescent orange vests.

And even public service employees, like school-crossing guards and sanitation workers.

Last day,I saw some cleaners cleaning the streets.

CIFIT, followed Fair Park, city sanitation departments at all levels have the city take action.
# 環衛 环卫 [huan2 wei4] /environmental sanitation/
# Editor:
+ 環衛 环卫 [huan2 wei4] /public cleanliness/(urban) sanitation/environmental sanitation/abbr. for 環境衛生|环境卫生[huan2 jing4 wei4 sheng1]/
+ 環境衛生 环境卫生 [huan2 jing4 wei4 sheng1] /environmental sanitation/abbr. to 環衛|环卫[huan2 wei4]/
+ 環衛工人 环卫工人 [huan2 wei4 gong1 ren2] /sanitation worker/
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