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Change log entry 49740
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-08-18 13:35:11 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 48242 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
MS Office:
长空 vast sky:
鹰击长空。 Eagles cleaved the sky.
闪电划过长空。 The lightning flashed across the sky.

M @ 長空
1. 遼闊的天空
2. 股票術語。指大盤指數長期下滑,呈現空頭走勢。


There are likely to be a lot of job opportunities in the near term, but hiring appears likely to slacken off eventually.
- 長空 长空 [chang2 kong1] /the vast sky/
+ 長空 长空 [chang2 kong1] /(literary) the vast sky/(finance) eventual downturn/poor prospects in the long term/
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