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Change log entry 49725
Processed by: richwarm (2013-08-17 14:25:33 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 48241 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
None of the reference works mention "beginner's luck"; has someone already heard it used in that sense?

Editor: I'd say it was probably a bit of guesswork that it could be extended to that sense.
- 馬到成功 马到成功 [ma3 dao4 cheng2 gong1] /instant success/beginner's luck/
# + 馬到成功 马到成功 [ma3 dao4 cheng2 gong1] /to win instant success/
+ 馬到成功 马到成功 [ma3 dao4 cheng2 gong1] /to win instant success (idiom)/
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