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Change log entry 49723
Processed by: richwarm (2013-08-17 13:53:59 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 48252 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
Fix broken link

Editor: I think the entry for 輕軌 should contain the definition.
It seems much more common than the longer term.
# - 輕軌 轻轨 [qing1 gui3] /light rail/transit system: underground, at street level or elevated/streetcar/metro/abbr. for 輕型軌道交通|轻型轨道交通/
# + 輕軌 轻轨 [qing1 gui3] /abbr. for 輕型軌道交通|轻型轨道交通/
# + 輕型軌道交通 轻型轨道交通 [qing1 xing2 gui3 dao4 jiao1 tong1] /light rail/transit system (underground, at street level or elevated)/streetcar/metro/
- 輕軌 轻轨 [qing1 gui3] /light rail/transit system: underground, at street level or elevated/streetcar/metro/abbr. for 輕型軌道交通|轻型轨道交通/
+ 輕軌 轻轨 [qing1 gui3] /light rail/transit system (underground, at street level or elevated)/streetcar/metro/abbr. for 輕型軌道交通|轻型轨道交通[qing1 xing2 gui3 dao4 jiao1 tong1]/
+ 輕型軌道交通 轻型轨道交通 [qing1 xing2 gui3 dao4 jiao1 tong1] /light rail/transit system (underground, at street level or elevated)/streetcar/metro/abbr. to 輕軌|轻轨[qing1 gui3]/
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