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Change log entry 49720
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-08-17 06:52:04 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 48253 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
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- 黏貼 黏贴 [nian2 tie1] /to glue to/to paste onto/to stick on/also written 粘貼|粘贴/
+ 黏貼 黏贴 [nian2 tie1] /to glue to/to paste onto/to stick on/also written 粘貼|粘贴[zhan1 tie1]/
- 粘貼 粘贴 [zhan1 tie1] /to stick/to affix/to adhere/to paste (as in "copy and paste")/Taiwan pr. [nian2 tie1]/also written 黏貼|黏贴/
+ 粘貼 粘贴 [zhan1 tie1] /to stick/to affix/to adhere/to paste (as in "copy and paste")/Taiwan pr. [nian2 tie1]/also written 黏貼|黏贴[nian2 tie1]/
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