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Change log entry 49708
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-08-16 07:56:21 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 48232 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
Fix links. Also, the definition of 虰蛵|虰蛵[ding1 xing2] reads "less common word for dragonfly 蜻蜓", perhaps it should be modified?
- 虰蛵 虰蛵 [ding1 xing2] /less common word for dragonfly 蜻蜓/
+ 虰蛵 虰蛵 [ding1 xing2] /variant of 蜻蜓[qing1 ting2], dragonfly/

Editor: we only mark characters/compounds as "variants" when both their pronunciation and meaning are the same. I think your original submission is ok.
- 蜻 蜻 [qing1] /see 蜻蜓, dragonfly/
+ 蜻 蜻 [qing1] /see 蜻蜓[qing1 ting2]/
- 蜓 蜓 [ting2] /see 蜻蜓, dragonfly/
+ 蜓 蜓 [ting2] /see 蜻蜓[qing1 ting2]/
- 蛵 蛵 [xing2] /see 虰蛵, less common word for dragonfly/
+ 蛵 蛵 [xing2] /see 虰蛵[ding1 xing2]/
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