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Change log entry 49706
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-08-16 07:52:50 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 48234 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
Split definitions

Editor: I don't see any mention of "sword" in the dicts I checked (Z、 中华字海、汉语大字典、漢語大字典、MoE 異體字字典), plus some of them say it's pronounced as zhi2 and zhi1. Since it's a rare archaic character, I'll just opt for what Z says.

Z: [zhi2]
1. 古同“埴”,黏土。
2. 聚合。
- 戠 戠 [shi4] /a sword. potter's clay. to gather/
# + 戠 戠 [shi4] /a sword/potter's clay/to gather/
+ 戠 戠 [zhi2] /to gather/old variant of 埴[zhi2]/
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