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Change log entry 49705
Processed by: richwarm (2013-08-16 05:13:56 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 47994 >>
I'm not 100% sure about this, but this seems to be the case after looking at numerous Chinese laws and their English translations. Editors, what do you think?

Editor: I don't know.
Feel free to submit again with some evidence.

Maybe it's like this example:
which could be translated as "Classmates shall respect each other ..." -- but that's just another way of saying "Classmates should respect each other ..."
# - 應 应 [ying1] /to agree (to do sth)/should/ought to/
# + 應 应 [ying1] /to agree (to do sth)/should/ought to/(legal) shall/must/
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