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Change log entry 49490
Processed by: richwarm (2013-08-04 00:20:46 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 42123 - submitted by 'alanwatson' >>
Lots of examples where there is nothing illicit about it. eg this one from Jukuu
The Church still regards their relationship as living in sin, but many people nowadays use the phrase as a joke.

MoE's definition also does not include anything about being illicit:

1) Why would people laugh at the use of 姘居 nowadays if it didn't (quaintly) imply that cohabitation is illicit?
2) M's 鄙视的意思 conveys a sense of being illicit.
- 姘居 姘居 [pin1 ju1] /to cohabit with a lover in an illicit manner/
# + 姘居 姘居 [pin1 ju1] /to cohabit with a lover/
# Editor added:
+ 姘居 姘居 [pin1 ju1] /to cohabit with a lover illicitly/
By MDBG 2024
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