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Change log entry 49474
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-08-03 09:44:07 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 48061 - submitted by 'saciel' >>
The declaration of (intangible) world heritages is very important for East Asian countries right now. There is a competition especially between China and Vietnam who "gets more" of these. A new category is the Intangible World Heritage of the UNESCO. It was founded to protect those cultural goods you can't put into a vitrine. Like sound, smell, atmosphere. It mostly refers to religious practices, festivals and other rituals, but also the try to keep impressions like for example the old Ruhr area in Germany. Prominent intangible world heritages are the touristic festival of Buluotuo Ancestor Worship Festival in Guangxi, China and the Hung King Anniversary Worship Festival in Vietnam (although the latter is not historical and the whole thing a political issue).

Editor: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intangible_cultural_heritage
# 非物質文化遺產 非物质文化遗产 [fei1 wu4 zhi4 wen2 hua4 yi2 chan3] /Intangible World Heritage (UNESCO)/
+ 非物質文化遺產 非物质文化遗产 [Fei1 wu4 zhi4 Wen2 hua4 Yi2 chan3] /(UNESCO) Intangible Cultural Heritage/
# editor: we have
= 世界文化遺產 世界文化遗产 [Shi4 jie4 Wen2 hua4 Yi2 chan3] /(UNESCO) World Cultural Heritage/
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