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Change log entry 49258
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-07-18 09:02:08 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 47876 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
Fix simplified form, as per http://zh.wiktionary.org/zh/Wiktionary:%E7%AE%80%E5%8C%96%E5%AD%97%E6%80%BB%E8%A1%A8/%E7%AC%AC%E4%B8%80%E8%A1%A8 . Simplification already found in ('嚮導', '向导') xiang4 dao3, ('嚮往', '向往') xiang4 wang3 etc.
Also fix link.

Didn't have an official source for 曏->向, so add it as a comment in case an editor knows one.


1. 嚮 is on the simplified chart and it apparently *does* simplify to 向.
2. 曏 is the deprecated variant of 嚮, according to 异体字整理表: 嚮<曏>, in which case its simp. form would then also be 向.


M says:
1. 明、表明。
2. 從前、往昔。通「向」。

Z says: 同“向”。

【汉语大字典】 says:
1. 不久以前;往日。
2. 明。表明。
3. 介词。表示方向、对象,相当于 “向”、“朝向”、“对着”。
- 嚮 嚮 [xiang4] /to tend toward/to guide/variant of 向/
+ 嚮 向 [xiang4] /to tend toward/to guide/variant of 向[xiang4]/
- 曏 曏 [xiang4] /variant of 向, direction/orientation/to face/to turn toward/to/towards/shortly before/formerly/to side with/to be partial to/all along (previously)/
# + 曏 曏 [xiang4] /variant of 向[xiang4], direction/orientation/to face/to turn toward/to/towards/shortly before/formerly/to side with/to be partial to/all along (previously)/
# I don't have an official source for this, so not sure about it
# + 曏 向 [xiang4] /variant of 向[xiang4], direction/orientation/to face/to turn toward/to/towards/shortly before/formerly/to side with/to be partial to/all along (previously)/
+ 曏 向 [xiang4] /variant of 向[xiang4]/direction/orientation/to face/to turn toward/to/towards/shortly before/formerly/
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