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Change log entry 49251
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-07-17 18:57:48 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 47879 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
This is the only entry in the dictionary that lists 誰 as shui, and I can't find references saying that it is pronounced shui2 in this case, so I propose reverting to shei2.
I've looked at the previous revision, which reads "Is it really pronounced shui2?", but there were no comments/answers.

Editor: this change was actually proposed back then but ended up getting scrapped for some reason. Here is what editors commented at the time:

A: shui2 is the correct, literary pronunciation -- I have met with, maybe, 3 people who had this pronunciation...
B: i remember textbooks have shui, but i'll be damned if I have ever heard anyone say it anywhere. That being said, maybe both should be included.
C: Yeah, maybe both.

anyway, since we already indicate "also pr. shui2" at the character level, that should do.
- 誰知 谁知 [shui2 zhi1] /lit. who knows/who would have thought/unexpectedly/unpredictably/
+ 誰知 谁知 [shei2 zhi1] /lit. who knows/who would have thought/unexpectedly/unpredictably/
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