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Change log entry 49249
Processed by: vermillon (2013-07-17 13:38:08 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 47878 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
For some reason both characters in 鑰匙|钥匙 are pronounced in a non-standard way; the 鑰|钥 entry does list [yao4], so perhaps the 匙 entry should list [shi5]?
鑰 钥 [yue4] /key/also pr. [yao4]/
editor: in this case, a person should refer to the entry for 钥匙, and 匙 alone cannot be shi5. The only way we could have it would be to add 匙 匙 [shi5] /see 鑰匙|钥匙[yao4 shi5], but there are tons of such special pronunciation (usually only for tone, sure) characters in Mandarin.
# - 匙 匙 [chi2] /spoon/
# + 匙 匙 [chi2] /spoon/also pr. [shi5]/
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