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Change log entry 49205
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-07-15 13:57:01 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 47880 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
[zhan4] seems to be the Taiwanese pronunciation. Can a native/more experimented speaker confirm that the Taiwanese pronunciation is prevalent for 发颤?
顫 颤 [chan4] /to tremble/to shiver/to shake/to vibrate/Taiwan pr. [zhan4]/

Editor: dicts seem to agree. GF even points out "“颤”这里不读 zhàn。㊁不要写作“发战”。"
- 發顫 发颤 [fa1 zhan4] /to shiver/
+ 發顫 发颤 [fa1 chan4] /to shiver/
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