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Change log entry 49103
Processed by: richwarm (2013-07-07 09:19:12 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 47773 - submitted by 'ycandau' >>
1) py
2) not just to raise children -- wich emphasizes the fact that this saying is not as sexist as you could think (not just washing socks and feeding children, but being an active help for husband and important element in education of children
3) "mothering skills" seems unnecessary
- 相夫教子 相夫教子 [xiang1 fu1 jiao4 zi3] /to support one's husband and raise children/mothering skills/a woman's place is in the home (old view)/
+ 相夫教子 相夫教子 [xiang4 fu1 jiao4 zi3] /to support one's husband and educate children/a woman's place is in the home (old view)/
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