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Change log entry 49075
Processed by: richwarm (2013-07-05 01:38:25 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 47734 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
This is among the examples wikipedia gives of tone sandhi on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Standard_Chinese_phonology#Tone_sandhi :

"When "一" falls between two words, it becomes neutral tone.
ex: 看一看 (kànyīkàn) becomes kànyikàn"

There must be plenty of other examples in the dictionary, but I'd like to get some feedback on this proposed modification before searching for all the other cases.

What do you think?

Editor: I suspect that that "rule" is an oversimplification.

For example ~
The tone of 一 (yī one) ... can adopt every tone by building kind of a “tone connection” between the tone of the preceding character and the tone of the following character. Example: 另一个 (lìngyīgè, another) is pronounced lìngyígè.

In any case, we don't record tone changes if they are covered by the "rules" of tone sandhi (which are actually attempts to *describe* how Chinese phonology works in practice, and not "rules" that native speakers and learners must observe). This is the custom adopted by most C-E dictionaries.

"Tone sandhi is not indicated (e.g., ni3 hao3 is not changed to ni2 hao3)"

ABC (in Wenlin at least) indicates tone sandhi by means of a dot under the syllable rather than by altering the tone mark. But there seems to be some inconsistency there:
ABC has
比一比 bǐyibǐ (neutral tone explicitly indicated for "yi")
留一手 liú yī̠shǒu (sandhi indicated by a dot under the syllable)
试一试 shìyīshì and 看一看 kànyīkàn (*no* indication of tone sandhi)

Of these, New Century has only 留一手 and its pronunciation there is indicated as liú yīshǒu. It would seem that the other expressions are omitted because they are mostly constructs.

Note also that "the" neutral tone is pronounced differently in the context of different tones of the surrounding words.
# - 看一看 看一看 [kan4 yi1 kan4] /to have a look/
# + 看一看 看一看 [kan4 yi5 kan4] /to have a look/
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