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Change log entry 49073
Processed by: richwarm (2013-07-05 00:42:17 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 41837 - submitted by 'xiaoxiong' >>
we already have zhīshēng, but this word actually has two different readings and meanings:

[cheep] 发细小的声音

[make a sound (as when speaking, coughing etc.)] [方]∶ 做声; 吭声
问他几遍, 他都没吱声

see all the usual references, if needed


"actually has two different readings and meanings" sounds very authoritative, and
"see all the usual references, if needed" suggests that one really should just trust the submitter and that checking might be a waste of time.

The submission is in line with Z's source, but there is no general agreement with this in "all the usual references"

In NC, zi1sheng1 is the pronunciation for both senses ("squeak/chirp/cheep" & "utter a sound"). NC has no "zhi1sheng1" -- and 吱[zhi1] has only an onomatopoeic meaning in NC.

吱声 is #2 in my IME when I type "zhisheng", but it's not there at all if I type "zisheng"

In Chinesepod, the "utter sth" sense is pronounced zhi1 ~ http://chinesepod.com/tools/glossary/entry/%E5%90%B1%E5%A3%B0

M says the "utter sth" sense can be either zi1sheng1 or zhi1sheng1

A: 这是哪里查到的啊?我是哈尔滨的,我们基本就说普通话,我们平时都念"zhisheng"如果念成"zisheng"好像大舌头的感觉,鸡西那边这样说话。
B: 我是从汉典网上查的,而且我日常听到的都是“zī shēng”,倒是觉得“zhī shēng”舌头打结。
C: 应该是zhisheng
D: 应该是吱zi声...

Emailed you with this material nearly one year ago, on 6 Aug, 2012 – didn't get a reply.
At around this same date, you wrote to complain that *we* take too long to respond to your submissions.
# 吱聲 吱声 [zi1 sheng1] /to utter sth/to make a sound/
By MDBG 2024
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