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Change log entry 48853
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-06-18 15:39:22 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 45928 - submitted by 'miles' >>
word-processing error in the English translation
- 尋花問柳 寻花问柳 [xun2 hua1 wen4 liu3] /lit. to visit the flowers and willow enjoy (idiom)/to frequent brothels/to enjoy the spring scenery/to sow one's wild oats/
# + 尋花問柳 寻花问柳 [xun2 hua1 wen4 liu3] /lit. to visit the flowers and enjoy willow (idiom)/to frequent brothels/to enjoy the spring scenery/to sow one's wild oats/
+ 尋花問柳 寻花问柳 [xun2 hua1 wen4 liu3] /lit. to enjoy the beautiful spring scenery (idiom)/fig. to frequent brothels/to sow one's wild oats/
By MDBG 2024
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