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Change log entry 48772
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-06-15 10:05:37 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 47096 - submitted by 'goldyn_chyld' >>
these are 2 separate characters..

Z: 同“躗”。

1. 牛用蹄踢以自卫。
2. 欺诈:“往岁克敌,今又胜都,天奉多矣,又焉能进,是~言也。”

M: 謬誤而不真實的。
- 躛 躗 [wei4] /to exaggerate/
+ 躛 躛 [wei4] /variant of 躗[wei4]/
+ 躗 躗 [wei4] /to exaggerate/to fabricate/falsehood/
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