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Change log entry 48744
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-06-13 09:35:27 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 42916 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
Seems to be a very common word, not in CEdict yet, and not in various other dicts either, such as New Century, New Age, FE and Dr.eye.
ABC has it as "wash one's hands of an affair" but I haven't found an example of that usage so far.
Anyway, I don't see any dictionary that has both of these more common senses of "driving force" and "pushing hands".

M ~

Pushing Hands (Chinese: 推手; pinyin: tuī shǒu) is a film directed by Ang Lee. Released in 1992, it was his first feature film. ... The title of the film refers to the pushing hands training that is part of the grandfather's t'ai chi routine. Pushing hands is a two person training which teaches t'ai chi students to yield in the face of brute force. T'ai chi ch'uan teachers were persecuted in China during the Cultural Revolution, and the grandfather's family was broken up as a result. He sent his son to the West several years earlier and when he could he came to live with his family with the expectation of picking up where they left off, but he was unprepared for the very different atmosphere of the West. "Pushing Hands" thereby alludes to the process of adaptation to culture shock felt by a traditional teacher in moving to the United States.

Pushing hands or tuishou is a name for two-person training routines practiced in internal Chinese martial arts such as Baguazhang, Xingyiquan, T'ai chi ch'uan (Taijiquan), Liuhebafa, Quan Fa, Yiquan.

Syllabus taught in class includes hand form, pushing hands, self-defence and weapons (sword, sabre and spear) for more advanced students.

Rock [record company] is also the "godfather" and an avid promoter of songs about the real world sung in Taiwanese.

In fact, some researchers have suggested that the development of maternal behavior was one of the main drivers for the evolution of the mammalian brain.

The increasingly unpopular Chen and his Democratic Progressive Party( Dee), the driving forces behind the independence movement in recent years, have suffered several electoral defeats, and advocates of greater cooperation with the mainland have gained ground.

Travelers' expectations are contributing to the trend.

But perhaps the most intriguing—albeit ambivalent—adopter of Confucianism is the Communist Party itself.

Editor: see discussion
# 推手 推手 [tui1 shou3] /promoter/advocate/driving force/pushing hands (two-person training routine in martial arts)/
+ 推手 推手 [tui1 shou3] /promoter/advocate/driving force/pushing hands (two-person training routine esp. in t'ai chi)/
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