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Change log entry 48735
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-06-13 08:22:33 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 46145 - submitted by 'richwarm' >>
I like the way NC treats 百忙 -- as a noun (busy schedule) rather than an adjective (extremely busy). And I think that the expressions 百忙之中 and 百忙中 are quite transparent, given this definition of 百忙. So I'm suggesting we delete 百忙之中, and not be concerned about 百忙中.
- 百忙 百忙 [bai3 mang2] /extremely busy/
+ 百忙 百忙 [bai3 mang2] /busy schedule/
- 百忙之中 百忙之中 [bai3 mang2 zhi1 zhong1] /extremely busy/
# editor adding:
- 之中 之中 [zhi1 zhong1] /inside/
+ 之中 之中 [zhi1 zhong1] /inside/among/in the midst of (doing sth)/during/
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