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Change log entry 48634
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-06-09 10:35:59 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44188 - submitted by 'xiaoxiong' >>
I believe 虎 is pronounced with the 4th tone here and 拉 with the 3rd

【现代汉语规范词典】 hùbulǎ[名]某些地区指伯劳。

also see ABC
- 虎不拉 虎不拉 [hu3 bu5 la1] /shrike/
# + 虎不拉 虎不拉 [hu4 bu5 la3] /(dialect) shrike/
+ 虎不拉 虎不拉 [hu4 bu5 la3] /(dialect) shrike/Taiwan pr. [hu3 bu5 la1]/
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