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Change log entry 48608
Processed by: richwarm (2013-06-08 10:42:49 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 45316 - submitted by 'miles' >>
The Englsih translations given here are pretty bad. It is an
adverbial adjunct meaning unable to conceal one's happiness

Editor: It's not just 'happiness' -- see discussion.
- 合不攏嘴 合不拢嘴 [he2 bu4 long3 zui3] /grinning from ear to ear/mouth agape/gobsmacked/
# + 合不攏嘴 合不拢嘴 [he2 bu4 long3 zui3] /unable to conceal one's happiness//laughing for joy/
+ 合不攏嘴 合不拢嘴 [he2 bu4 long3 zui3] /unable to conceal one's happiness, amazement, shock etc/grinning from ear to ear/mouth agape/gobsmacked/
By MDBG 2024
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