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Change log entry 47788
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-05-09 12:09:02 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 46871 - submitted by 'cpitclaudel' >>
Add parentheses to all occurrences of "used in given names".
- 晗 晗 [han2] /before daybreak/dawn about to break/used in given names/
+ 晗 晗 [han2] /before daybreak/dawn about to break/(used in given names)/
- 鏸 鏸 [hui4] /three edged spear/used in given names/
+ 鏸 鏸 [hui4] /three edged spear/(used in given names)/
- 昰 是 [shi4] /variant of 是[shi4]/used in given names/
+ 昰 是 [shi4] /variant of 是[shi4]/(used in given names)/
- 淑 淑 [shu1] /warm and virtuous/used in given names/Taiwan pr. [shu2]/
+ 淑 淑 [shu1] /warm and virtuous/(used in given names)/Taiwan pr. [shu2]/
- 禕 祎 [yi1] /excellent/precious/rare/fine/used in given names/
+ 禕 祎 [yi1] /excellent/precious/rare/fine/(used in given names)/
By MDBG 2024
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