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Change log entry 47722
Processed by: vermillon (2013-05-08 12:41:29 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 46620 - submitted by '15113278' >>
Identical to 入木三分
editor: that's already what "to hit the nail on the head" implies (if applied to criticism).
- 一針見血 一针见血 [yi1 zhen1 jian4 xie3] /lit. to draw blood on the first prick/fig. to hit the nail on the head/
# + 一針見血 一针见血 [yi1 zhen1 jian4 xie3] /lit. to draw blood on the first prick/fig. to hit the nail on the head/(describing criticism) Short, but effective and on the point/
+ 一針見血 一针见血 [yi1 zhen1 jian4 xie3] /lit. to draw blood on the first prick (idiom)/fig. to hit the nail on the head/
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