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Change log entry 47547
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-04-30 15:29:19 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 46584 - submitted by '15113278' >>
Also written as 惱羞成怒


Editor: we usually use "also written" for entries where the pronunciation and tones are the same but one or more characters are different, e.g. 阿斯匹林 vs. 阿司匹林, but not for the entries where only the meaning is the same but the pronunciations and one or more characters are different.
# 老羞成怒 老羞成怒 [lao3 xiu1 cheng2 nu4] /To become shamed or embarrassed to the extent that one becomes angry/
+ 老羞成怒 老羞成怒 [lao3 xiu1 cheng2 nu4] /see 惱羞成怒[nao3 xiu1 cheng2 nu4]/
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