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Change log entry 47504
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-04-27 14:28:48 GMT)
Comment: #20th batch of variants as suggested by《第一批异形词整理表》(http://baike.baidu.com/view/763084.htm), where the variant compounds don't include variant characters we already list in CEDICT.

押韵—压韵 yāyùn
扬琴—洋琴 yánɡqín
要么—要末 yàome
一锤定音—一槌定音 yīchuí-dìnɡyīn
一股脑儿—一古脑儿 yīɡǔnǎor
淫雨—霪雨 yínyǔ
盈余—赢余 yínɡyú
影像—影象 yǐnɡxiànɡ
渔具—鱼具 yújù
渔网—鱼网 yúwǎnɡ
与会—预会 yùhuì
驭手—御手 yùshǒu
预备—豫备 yùbèi ⑧
- 壓韻 压韵 [ya1 yun4] /to rhyme/usually written 押韻|押韵/
+ 壓韻 压韵 [ya1 yun4] /variant of 押韻|押韵[ya1 yun4]/
- 洋琴 洋琴 [yang2 qin2] /same as 揚琴|扬琴, dulcimer/
+ 洋琴 洋琴 [yang2 qin2] /variant of 揚琴|扬琴[yang2 qin2]/
+ 要末 要末 [yao4 me5] /variant of 要麼|要么[yao4 me5]/
+ 一槌定音 一槌定音 [yi1 chui2 ding4 yin1] /variant of 一錘定音|一锤定音[yi1 chui2 ding4 yin1]/
+ 一古腦兒 一古脑儿 [yi1 gu3 nao3 r5] /variant of 一股腦兒|一股脑儿[yi1 gu3 nao3 r5]/
+ 霪雨 霪雨 [yin2 yu3] /variant of 淫雨[yin2 yu3]/
# we currently don't have 淫雨 in C yet, but I've already submitted an entry to the queue
+ 贏餘 赢余 [ying2 yu2] /variant of 盈餘|盈余[ying2 yu2]/
+ 影象 影象 [ying3 xiang4] /variant of 影像[ying3 xiang4]/
+ 魚具 鱼具 [yu2 ju4] /variant of 漁具|渔具[yu2 ju4]/
- 魚網 鱼网 [yu2 wang3] /fishing net/
+ 魚網 鱼网 [yu2 wang3] /variant of 漁網|渔网[yu2 wang3]/
+ 預會 预会 [yu4 hui4] /variant of 與會|与会[yu4 hui4]/
- 馭手 驭手 [yu4 shou3] /person in charge of pack animals, also 御手[yu4 shou3] (only in this sense)/
+ 馭手 驭手 [yu4 shou3] /person in charge of pack animals/chariot driver/
- 御手 御手 [yu4 shou3] /the emperor's hand/person in charge of pack animals, also 馭手|驭手[yu4 shou3]/chariot driver, also 馭手|驭手[yu4 shou3]/
+ 御手 御手 [yu4 shou3] /the emperor's hand/variant of 馭手|驭手[yu4 shou3]/
- 豫 豫 [yu4] /happy/carefree/at one's ease/variant of 預|预/old variant of 與|与/
+ 豫 豫 [yu4] /happy/carefree/at one's ease/variant of 預|预[yu4]/old variant of 與|与[yu4]/
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