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Change log entry 47503
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-04-27 11:23:52 GMT)
Comment: #19th batch of variants as suggested by《第一批异形词整理表》(http://baike.baidu.com/view/763084.htm), where the variant compounds don't include variant characters we already list in CEDICT.

息肉—瘜肉 xīròu
翕动—噏动 xīdònɡ
洗练—洗炼 xǐliàn
贤惠—贤慧 xiánhuì
香醇—香纯 xiānɡchún
香菇—香菰 xiānɡɡū
相貌—像貌 xiànɡmào
潇洒—萧洒 xiāosǎ
信口开河—信口开合 xìnkǒu-kāihé
秀外慧中—秀外惠中 xiùwài-huìzhōnɡ
序言—叙言 xùyán
训诫—训戒 xùnjiè
+ 瘜肉 瘜肉 [xi1 rou4] /variant of 息肉[xi1 rou4]/
+ 噏動 噏动 [xi1 dong4] /variant of 翕動|翕动[xi1 dong4]/
+ 洗煉 洗炼 [xi3 lian4] /variant of 洗練|洗练[xi3 lian4]/
- 賢慧 贤慧 [xian2 hui4] /(of a woman) virtuous/
+ 賢慧 贤慧 [xian2 hui4] /variant of 賢惠|贤惠[xian2 hui4]/
+ 香純 香纯 [xiang1 chun2] /variant of 香醇[xiang1 chun2]/
- 香菰 香菰 [xiang1 gu1] /shiitake (Lentinus edodes), an edible mushroom/
+ 香菰 香菰 [xiang1 gu1] /variant of 香菇[xiang1 gu1]/
+ 像貌 像貌 [xiang4 mao4] /variant of 相貌[xiang4 mao4]/
+ 蕭灑 萧洒 [xiao1 sa3] /variant of 瀟灑|潇洒[xiao1 sa3]/
- 信口開河 信口开河 [xin4 kou3 kai1 he2] /to speak without thinking/to blurt sth out/
+ 信口開河 信口开河 [xin4 kou3 kai1 he2] /to speak without thinking (idiom)/to blurt sth out/
+ 信口開合 信口开合 [xin4 kou3 kai1 he2] /variant of 信口開河|信口开河[xin4 kou3 kai1 he2]/
+ 秀外惠中 秀外惠中 [xiu4 wai4 hui4 zhong1] /variant of 秀外慧中[xiu4 wai4 hui4 zhong1]/
# we currently don't have 秀外慧中 in C yet, but I've already submitted an entry to the queue
+ 叙言 叙言 [xu4 yan2] /variant of 序言[xu4 yan2]/
+ 訓戒 训戒 [xun4 jie4] /variant of 訓誡|训诫[xun4 jie4]/
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