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Change log entry 47493
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-04-26 20:25:56 GMT)
Comment: #16th batch of variants as suggested by《第一批异形词整理表》(http://baike.baidu.com/view/763084.htm), where the variant compounds don't include variant characters we already list in CEDICT.

牵连—牵联 qiānlián
憔悴—蕉萃 qiáocuì
清澈—清彻 qīnɡchè
情愫—情素 qínɡsù
拳拳—惓惓 quánquán
劝诫—劝戒 quànjiè

热乎乎—热呼呼 rèhūhū
热乎—热呼 rèhu
热衷—热中 rèzhōnɡ
日食—日蚀 rìshí
+ 牽聯 牵联 [qian1 lian2] /variant of 牽連|牵连[qian1 lian2]/
+ 蕉萃 蕉萃 [qiao2 cui4] /variant of 憔悴[qiao2 cui4]/
+ 蕉 蕉 [qiao2] /see 蕉萃[qiao2 cui4]/
+ 清徹 清彻 [qing1 che4] /variant of 清澈[qing1 che4]/
+ 情素 情素 [qing2 su4] /variant of 情愫[qing2 su4]/
+ 惓惓 惓惓 [quan2 quan2] /variant of 拳拳[quan2 quan2]/
- 勸戒 劝戒 [quan4 jie4] /to warn/to admonish/to advise against sth/
+ 勸戒 劝戒 [quan4 jie4] /variant of 勸誡|劝诫[quan4 jie4]/
+ 熱呼呼 热呼呼 [re4 hu1 hu1] /variant of 熱乎乎|热乎乎[re4 hu1 hu1]/
+ 熱呼 热呼 [re4 hu5] /variant of 熱乎|热乎[re4 hu5]/
# we currently don't have 热乎 in C yet, but I've already submitted an entry to the queue
- 熱中 热中 [re4 zhong1] /to be fond of/also written 熱衷|热衷/
+ 熱中 热中 [re4 zhong1] /variant of 熱衷|热衷[re4 zhong1]/
- 日蝕 日蚀 [ri4 shi2] /solar eclipse/
+ 日蝕 日蚀 [ri4 shi2] /variant of 日食[ri4 shi2]/
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