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Change log entry 47467
Processed by: goldyn_chyld (2013-04-26 08:24:02 GMT)
Comment: << review queue entry 44907 - submitted by 'xiaoxiong' >>
this character is interesting, it can stand in place of either 扒 or 手 in the word 扒手, but has no other usage

PRC dicts generally agree that it is a variant of 扒, but the TW ones insist that it's a variant of 手 in the same word

漢語大詞典 though gives the both readings, and that's what we should do, I think

【现代汉语规范词典】pá 现在规范词形写作"扒手"。
【漢語大詞典】pá ㄆㄚˊ shŏu ㄕㄡˇ 見“ 掱手 ”、“ 扒掱 ”。
【國語辭典】shŏu 扒手。清˙徐珂˙清稗類鈔˙盜賊類˙掱手:「滬人呼翦綹賊曰掱手,猶言扒手也,亦曰癟三碼子。」
- 掱 掱 [shou3] /pickpocket/
+ 掱 掱 [shou3] /variant of 手[shou3] in 扒手[pa2 shou3]/
+ 掱 掱 [pa2] /variant of 扒[pa2] in 扒手[pa2 shou3]/
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